Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tamatar ki Chutney, Takkali Thokku & Tomato Rice

(Updated Version)

Tamatar ki Chutney is a tomato-based chutney, known in the Punjabi language as "Tamatar ki Chutney," and is a dish from the North Indian region (INDIAN DESSERTS TO SAVOR). Tomatoes are a staple in many curries (CHANDIGARH NORTH INDIA MARVELS), and when used to make chutney, they create a spicy, tangy, and aromatic thick gravy. This chutney pairs well with chapati, paratha, dosai, and even idli. However, I recently paired it with our side dishes for a rice meal instead (VEGETARIAN MUTTON GASTRONOMY).

There’s also Takkali Thokku, which I consider another version of tomato chutney. Though it shares similarities with Tamatar ki Chutney, it differs slightly in its ingredients. The recipe I’m sharing is my own version. Plus, I’ll also show you how to make tomato rice. You have choices when it comes to cooking with tomatoes, don’t you? Isn’t it wonderful that Ms. Nava offers you these choices?

Classic Genoise: A European-Style Sponge Cake

(Updated Version)

There’s something about people who bake, have you noticed? Sorry for generalizing, but in my experience, many of these people seem to be full of hot air. They act as if they’re a class above the rest, especially those who don’t bake. Beyond being proud hosts, they can’t stop bragging about how well they bake. And it’s not just about them - they’ll go on about how great their family members bake, even people they barely know. Apparently, everyone in their world bakes superbly. Welcome to the world where, if you can bake, you’re a shining star.


But for people like Ms. Nava, baking is about learning. I started baking to understand the techniques and skills involved. I even earned credentials in baking, though I never put them to much use. For me, it’s all about practice - improving and advancing my baking skills. I’ve also baked Lamingtons before, but unfortunately, the recipe has gone missing. No worries, though - in the virtual world, there are hundreds, if not millions, of people sharing cake recipes (INDULGENT CHEESECAKE DELIGHTS).

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sunny Lamb Traditional Apam Balik: A Street Food Delight

While out buying groceries, I stumbled upon Sunny Lamb Traditional Apam Balik. Intrigued, I approached the van stall to explore this concept further. The menu offered a captivating array of apam balik varieties and these are vegan friendly. After considering my options, I chose the ori kelapa parut (original coconut) and jagung cheese/corn cheese. The other varieties were equally tempting, but I decided that three pieces of these Malaysian (EFFORTLESS MALAY DESSERTS) traditional pancakes would be enough to start with. Perhaps next time, I will try the other varieties.

Chinese Ginseng Chicken Soup & Other Nourishing Recipes

(Updated Version)
Roots, barks, herbs, and chicken - these are the essential ingredients for Chinese Ginseng Chicken Soup. Unlike the potent and bitter Korean ginseng, which I’ve tried and found too intense to digest (it made me feel like my body was on fire!), Chinese ginseng is milder, even in soups. I particularly enjoy homemade, healthy, and nutritious Chinese soups.

Making any soup, including Chinese Ginseng Chicken Soup, is really straightforward. If anyone claims they can’t make this soup, I’d be surprised (HANDCRAFTED FISH BALL NOODLE SOUP). It's as simple as adding all the ingredients - roots, barks, and other medicinal herbs from a Chinese medical hall or provision shop - into a slow cooker or simmering on very low heat over the stove.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Mental Health and Productivity: The Case for Corporate Yoga


Ms. Krishnan N, a Zen entrepreneur in her 60s, founded Nava's Zen at 58. With 22 years as a lecturer, including 13 years in the Curtin University of Technology Perth, Australia Degree Twinning Program, she is now a certified yoga instructor, coach, and counselor. Her expertise enriches her current work.

Corporate wellness programs are increasingly emphasizing mindfulness, mental health, and work-life balance, yet yoga often remains sidelined. This abstract examines the integration of yoga into corporate wellness initiatives and the benefits it offers. Despite the growing popularity of mindfulness practices such as meditation and breathwork, which originate from yoga philosophy, many organizations overlook yoga's comprehensive benefits. This study explores the disconnect between the promotion of wellness practices and the actual incorporation of yoga into corporate programs. It highlights the extensive benefits of corporate yoga, including improved mental clarity, stress reduction, physical health, and enhanced workplace morale.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Pulut Inti: Classic Malaysian Glutinous Rice with Sweet Coconut

(Updated Version)

When it comes to cooking, do you really need every ingredient listed in a recipe? Not necessarily. If you’re the type who follows recipes to the letter, you might feel compelled to gather every single ingredient. But if you’re like Ms. Nava, you’ll consider what you already have and adapt the recipe accordingly (MALAY DESSERTS MADE SIMPLE).


Making do with what you have often involves a bit of creative thinking and improvisation. Take, for example, making pulut inti. Traditionally, it requires banana leaves, but if you’re missing them, why not adapt? I did just that using my Pyrex dish to craft a delicious serving of Pulut Inti. See? You don’t need everything to be perfect to be a food hero (KUIH SAGO KUKUS).

Sambal Tumis Telur/Egg Sambal: Urban Garden's Spicy Trio

(Updated Version)

A little creativity in the kitchen can lead to a delightful revelation of flavors. Indeed, it can. For years, I’ve been making sambal telur, or egg sambal, which traditionally consists of boiled eggs simmered in a spicy chili-based gravy. Over time, I discovered that adding dried shrimp or prawns elevates this dish to a whole new level. The best part? The sambal, enriched with these dried shrimp, resembles the flavor profile of canned dried prawn sambal, which, for me, is perfect for spreading on toast with cucumber slices. Doesn’t that sound fabulous? Of course, it does!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Reviving Minds: Yoga’s Impact on Mental Health


Ms. Krishnan N, a Zen entrepreneur in her 60s, founded Nava's Zen at 58. With 22 years as a lecturer, including 13 years in the Curtin University of Technology Perth, Australia Degree Twinning Program, she is now a certified yoga instructor, coach, and counselor. Her expertise enriches her current work.

Yoga, an ancient practice combining breathwork, physical postures, and mindfulness, has emerged as a potent tool for improving mental health. This article investigates the therapeutic benefits of yoga in addressing stress, anxiety, and depression. It reviews recent academic studies to highlight how yoga's integrative approach - through breath regulation, mindful movement, and relaxation - enhances emotional resilience and mental clarity. The paper contrasts yoga with conventional mental health interventions and emphasizes its role as a complementary therapy. By examining current evidence and theoretical perspectives, the study advocates for the integration of yoga into mental health practices, underscoring its potential to rejuvenate and stabilize the mind amidst the demands of modern life.

Keywords: Yoga, Mental Health, Stress Relief, Anxiety Management, Depression, Breathwork, Mindfulness, Emotional Resilience, Complementary Therapy.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

FIsh Ball Noodle Soup: Handcrafted Fish Balls & Homemade Broth

Forget those store-bought fish balls! We're diving into the delicious world of homemade Fish Ball Noodle Soup, and yes, you heard it right - I made these fish balls from scratch. Shocking, isn't it? Especially for someone who often takes the easy route with pre-made ingredients. But this time, I went all in, and trust me, it was worth every minute (FRIED NOODLES ECSTASY).

Why go through all the trouble, you ask? Well, besides the satisfaction of making something from scratch (MEE SIAM KUAH VEGETARIAN), I wanted that rich, flavorful fish broth you get from simmering the bones and skin. And let me tell you, we had an absolute ball with this dish! These fish balls were bouncy, soft, and completely odor-free, swimming in a broth made from simmered fish bones and skin.

Tasty Thai, Bukit Rimau: A Food Critic's Thai Bite

Arriving at Tasty Thai in Bukit Rimau around 11:50 AM with two lunch companions, we found ourselves among just three or four other early din...